Daily Devotion Match 14

March 14: 1 Peter 3:8-12

KJV Key Verse: 1 Peter 3:8
8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:

The apostle Peter writes about being obedient in many ways including being obedient to God’s Word. Our Bibles teach us we should love one another and not just because that is what Jesus said but because this is what God has been trying to teach us from the beginning. That love we have for each other should extend beyond the words we say to each other and should be followed up by actions to show we mean what we say!

Saying one thing and acting differently shows others that you do not really mean the words you are saying! Peter backs this up by telling the people they need to follow up their love for each other with actions that show just how much they care. That also means not reacting and retaliating when anyone does anything against you. Does this mean that we should just take anything that comes our way? No. We need to be able to tell people they are doing something that upsets or annoys us, but we should not turn round and do something to upset or annoy them because of what they have done to us.

Loving others allows us to love life more because we get more out of it; by loving others we can bring joy to their lives and to ours, with that joy comes contentment and a real sense of sharing your life with them. Jesus did not just come and do things for us. He came and shared His love and His life with us, giving us the opportunity to live our lives in a better way knowing He loves us!

God continues to watch over everyone, but as we have seen in the Old Testament in places such as the book of Job He is very pleased with people who live a righteous life and those who lift up His name and glorify Him. If we want to be able to show others real Christian love we have to understand His love a bit more and accept all facets of that life style. Jesus shared His life with us. Let us share our lives with others!

Points to Ponder:
Do you share your love for Christ?

What does God see you actually doing?


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