Daily Devotion April 10

April 10: Acts 5:1-11

KJV Key Verse: Acts 5:4
4 Whiles it remained , was it not thine own and after it was sold , was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

If you have ever used the excuse “God helps those who help themselves” in order to have your own way with something in your life, then I would like you to go through this with me. I know I have used that sort of logic before and it has never worked the way I intended! When we start to think that we know best we start to find out the hard way that we fall very far short of the mark – always!

Now I am not saying that we all need to sell up everything we have and give it into the pot to share with everyone else – though we would all be far better off if we could do that, what I am saying is take on board what is being said here! Ananias and Sapphira had their plot of land which they sold in order to share the same as everyone else was doing. But in comes the inner workings of all of our hearts, that same deceit we all carry round with us. Both of them agreed to keep back part of the money so they could have something good, much like us selling something and only putting half of the money in the bank and spending the other half on buying some luxury for ourselves.

Where did this go wrong? Well it probably started going wrong by the two of them thinking they could join the commune. They did not have the right attitude to join in with the rest of the people to start with. If we do not have the right attitude to work with those around us, no matter how much we do we will not be working with the right attitude and it will tell from the start!

Then they gave in to their temptations and everything went pear shaped from then on! God is not looking for people who can work 99 hours a week and still keep going! God is not looking for people who will pay for everything. God is looking for people who will be honest with themselves as well as honest with Him. God wants us to do what we can but always to try and do it for His glory and not for anybody or anything else. Love God and be honest with that love!

Points to Ponder:
Do you love God?

Are you showing Him your real love?


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