Daily Devotion April 11

April 11: Acts 6:1-4

KJV Key Verse: Acts 6:3
3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report , full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

When things get busy in your work for God what gets put to one side? Do you stop your prayers, stop your reading, or stop your time set aside with God? It seems bad when we talk about it in this light and wonder what we give up to do the work, but far too often we do not stop to think about our personal time with God. We like to think that if we keep ourselves busy with His work then we are doing OK and we may not have time to do all the personal things…

What happens in a relationship with friends when you get too busy to see them or speak to them? What happens when you have to turn them down because you are too busy? It does not seem too bad until we are on the receiving end of this sort of thing and then we complain about the lack of attention or love! I don’t hear God complaining, but I know that He has every right to complain the way that we act with Him!

We have people around us and they actually do say “let me help you.” If we are going to keep our time with God in order then maybe we should be allowing those people to help us in whatever capacity they can. If we overload ourselves we fall apart and we cannot do what we set out to do. If we overload our friends, they are the ones who cannot cope. We need to find that happy median where we are able to help each other and still allow each of us to spend that all important time with God.

The disciples saw that they were too busy and they set aside time to organise helpers who would be able to do some work for them. The people may not be coming forward to volunteer because they cannot see a need. But if we ask people they will see the need and they will probably step up to help; but we need to ask first. Jesus made sure that we all know that we have to ask Him before He can do some things…

Points to Ponder:
Do you suffer from overwork?

Do you know Christians around you?


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