Daily Devotion April 12

April 12: 1 John 1:5-10

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 1:6
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie , and do not the truth:

This was probably one of the best descriptions that Christ gave to His disciples, that He is the Light of the World. When we find ourselves in the darkest of places, even a tiny shaft of light can light up enough space for us to feel comfortable again. Light will find its way into very small spaces and shine through them into the void of darkness to bring a ray of hope.

The disciples now knew why Christ had described Himself as Light and now they wanted others to see the same truth. But it is not just about having that ray of hope or that glimmer of light. It is about making an opening to let light into your life instead of closing everything off to block it out. Whilst it is very difficult to totally shut out light, it is possible; and when we shut it out the darkness is all-encompassing. If we then allow a little light into the darkness the light will make known all that is going on in the darkness…

If we are shutting out the light so we can do something untoward in the darkness, then letting that glimmer of light in will show us up! This is why Christ wants us to admit to those things before the light finds us out. If we can admit to them first He will be able to forgive us before we get into trouble.

But that does not mean we should continue doing wrong even in the light! God wants us to turn away from doing wrong by accepting His forgiveness and putting aside our temptations to continue doing wrong. Turning aside from sin is not always easy, but with Christ helping us we can do it and we can live a glorious life in the Light. Live with the Light of the World and live well!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like watching a sunrise?

Are you allowing Christ to flood your life?


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