Daily Devotion April 16

April 16: Proverbs 14:15-19

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:15
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.

When we are having fun it is easy to go along with things that are happening around you and just have fun with everyone else. Much of the time that is not going to be an issue, but when we are faced with a difficult situation or one we know is wrong we must be the ones who stop and think! If we take even a few seconds to stop and think, our brains will have time to catch up and we may not step into the turmoil that is ahead…

If only we would take time to stop and think before we spoke out as well! How many times have you said something in the heat of the moment and come out in a horrible position? Probably the worst place for this is social media where we say something or write down something in the heat of the moment… it gets out there and is made permanent by social media! Other people then have time to stop and digest what is being said. We then look like the fool and not the intended target.

On the flip side of this we need to look at what others say, do and write down and consider what situation they acted in before we get all inflamed and angry about things. Take a while to digest what is going on before you do things otherwise you are reacting to a reaction – probably a good definition of chaos!

A good position to be in is living in fear of God. Not being scared to do anything because you think God is going to zap you, but thinking about everything you do to see if it is going to please or upset God. If you can do that you will know that God is going to be pleased with all that you do – or should be! If we then live in mutual respect with others and love them as God intended us to, we will be able to get on with others and spread God’s wisdom to many more people. If we don’t, we end up spreading the muck that comes out of our mouths before we can think of what is going on!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever stop to think?

Do you know God did everything deliberately?


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