Daily Devotion April 17

April 17: Ecclesiastes 7:8-11

KJV Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 7:10
10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.

You will always feel a whole lot better about something if you are able to follow it through to completion rather than leaving it half done. God wants us to have the same attitude toward all things in life that we should want to complete tasks and live life wholly rather than in part only.

If we try to build our faith on nothing more than pipe dreams we will always have doubt, but the more we complete our learning about God and about the scriptures, the more we will be able to feel fulfilled with the work we complete for God. I know that may sound a bit cheesy but when we live our life properly for Christ we are able to draw a whole lot more out of life than we would without Him.

We like to have instructions when building things. We like to have the right tools and right space to do work within. If we try to make do all the time we will have doubts that we are not doing enough for God. So our relationship with Him should not be a hopeful situation arising from all the work we do but a sure belief based on His work and on what He has laid out for us.

Living for God makes us stop and think about what we let ourselves in for. The more we grow up with God the more natural our lives become and the more we are able to fulfil His request for work. It is hard doing anything for Christ the first time through because we will all be required slightly different things from God. Rushing in and being angry is not going to help any of us to grow in Christ. Yes it is good to get angry once in a while to make sure we are doing what is right.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always look back on the ‘good old days’?

Does Christ want you to live in the past, or now?


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