Daily Devotion April 18

April 18: Amos 5:21-27

KJV Key Verse: Amos 5:23
23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.

Why on earth would God say that He rejects worship and praise? Who are we kidding? Who do we think we can fool with our practices? Certainly not God! He watches us and sees what we do in our lives in and out of church and even worship. He sees in our hearts to recognise if we do actually mean the things we say to Him. He is the one who takes notice of our ways when others are not watching.

We may think we can fool some people some of the time, but we will never be able to fool God into believing we can do anything different from our actions we display before Him. We may be able to do the right stuff and say the right things, but when we stand before God and are tested for the genuineness of our actions, that is when we fail before God!

If we are going to pray to Him, offer things to Him, and tell others about Him, then we should make sure what we do behind the scenes after talking all the right stuff is the same as we talk about! God wants us to take on board the stuff we say and to act out what we say we are going to do. In short, God wants us to be totally honest in our conversation with Him. Saying that we love God with one breath and then saying we love others gods and things with the very next breath may fool some people, but it does not fool God!

God is a jealous God and will not accept our second hand offerings when He has already asked for our first fruits and not second hand stuff. Right throughout history God has ensures we know we have to offer up the righteous ways and righteous offerings before Him. So let us offer up stuff that is worthy to be offered up to God. Do not try to mould God into your ways so you can offer Him what you like. Try to mould yourself to be more like Him and allow God to guide you through your ways.

Points to Ponder:
Will you trust Christ’s ways?

Do you trust God implicitly?


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