Daily Devotion April 2

April 2: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:26
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come .

The Lord wanted to encourage the disciples to remember Him often when He was not physically with them. What better place and time to remember God than when we eat and drink? I know that fast food and strange eating habits have taken the meal away from the table but that does not necessarily mean we have to leave God out of our thoughts even though we may not be meeting for a meal around the family table.

When we look back on the life of the Jews and the relationship they had with God we see a recurring theme: They would have difficulties and call on God. Their relationship would grow closer as they depended on Him more. They would become happy as they had prayers answered. They would grow lax in their relationship with God. God would warn them they are walking away from Him. They would get lost and find themselves in difficult times. They would call out to God again… and the cycle repeated over and over again.

We still live in that same cycle as we go away from God and find ourselves in deep water, call out to Him and become joyful when He answers. Yet if we were keeping our minds fixed on Him more each day, we may not walk away from Him as often as we do now.

The Lord’s Super is a special time when we gather together as church and we remember what Christ has done for us, just as He was trying to plant the seeds of what would happen on this first event so many years ago. It does not mean we have to separate ourselves into different churches and only do this once a year. Christ instituted a single church; we are His church. Yes we meet in different buildings and we argue because we don’t all agree on things, but we are still one church. Christ said we should remember Him as often as we eat this bread and drink this wine. Remember Him!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper?

Do you think about all He has done for you?


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