Daily Devotion April 20

April 20: Mark 8:11-12

KJV Key Verse: Mark 8:12
12 And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith , Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.

Why is it that generation after generation still seek some sort of sign from God to prove Himself? Why can we not trust someone else’s word that God is real and that He is our one true God who continues to exist and live with us all? It was not Thomas who started this trend either, though we look back on Thomas and say he was the one who doubted. Right throughout man’s history with God we continue to see how he has demanded some sort of proof of His existence!

Imagine what it would be like if you continued to demand proof of love from the people that loved you? Do you think they would want to stay round you if you continued to demand proof each day? Yet that is exactly what we do with God at times! It is not just the Scribes and Pharisees who demanded proof so don’t turn round and blame other people when we do it as well.

Our faith and trust may be tested daily through other people’s actions but that does not mean we should turn round to God and demand proof of His existence just because we have begun to doubt. When we start walking away from our God we start to doubt. When we get tied up in other things, we doubt. When we lose sight of Him because we have wandered out of earshot to have a look at things, we doubt. So what do we do when we doubt?

I sit down and have time with God. I get on my knees and talk to God. I open my bible and read. I seek Him. When Jesus came into this world He walked around to find people who needed Him, He did not sit and wait for the world to change but got up and made changes according to God’s will. When we seek God’s will and do it (there’s the important part, doing it) we find out He is with us and helping us all along the way. Don’t doubt, just keep your eyes on Him.

Points to Ponder:
Do you look where you walk?

Do you watch your walk with Christ?


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