Daily Devotion April 21

April 21: Psalm 32:1-2

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 32:2
2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

When you realise what you have done wrong, be it to God or to others, your spirit is weighed down with the guilt. If you are found out then you may well have to face punishment for what you have done. This also adds to the load your spirit has to carry round; and none of this helps with your physical self either! But if we are able to find forgiveness from our wrong-doings, then we can be set free from that guilt and pain we face.

This is what I find so amazing about our awesome God. He is willing to forgive us for whatever we do wrong against Him. It is not a case of saying sorry in a reluctant way just so we can get on with doing wrong but more of an honest admitting to doing what we did and a willingness to turn away from that now and next time we face it. If we just say the words and don’t mean them we are not fooling anyone but ourselves!

When God says that our sins are covered He means it! He allowed Jesus, His Son, to come and to have the debt passed on or transferred from us to Him. In other words Christ came to take the punishment for our sins so we can be set free and not have any blame for what we have done. I don’t know if you realise just how much that means, and I often am so busy getting on with life I do not stop to thank Him enough for what He has done!

We are free. We do not have the blame for what we have done on our shoulders. As long as we have admitted our faults, taken them to God and expressed from our hearts our desire for Him for forgive us and for us to turn away from doing wrong again… we are free! Yes we may well get carried away with things and do things wrong again, but the willingness to try and do what God desires and not what the world wants is what we should aim for.

Points to Ponder:
Stop and think…

Will you thank Christ now?


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