Daily Devotion April 22

April 22: 1 John 3:1-3

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 3:1
1 Behold , what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

Yesterday we remembered that Christ came to take on our punishment for our sins and today we expand on the love God shows us by remembering that He also calls us His children! Not only does He say we do not have to worry because He took the punishment, but He then says it is because of His great love for us. A Love that goes further than we first imagine. A love that covers it all so we can become His children!

I know we have things like fostering and adoption, but this goes a bit further because that love is already there and we just have to realise it by accepting it is true. He already has invited us in to be His children. He has already paid the price. He has already laid out His love. We just need to stop and realise it!

Much of the world will simply carry on doing things and being busy for the sake of being busy; they will miss out on this love because they don’t stop and think. It is a sad world we live in because of the meaningless way we continue to exist in the physical sense without searching out this great love God has for us. When we find this love and bring it into our lives we change because we now know how wonderful it is – but to the world we are crazy! How do we reach out and show people we are not the crazy ones? Do we simply say that it is better to be safe than sorry? No! Don’t take the defeatist attitude that we are just doing this ‘just in case it is true’. Be positive and be bold!

Christ came to the world and was bold. He stood out from the crowd and shouted out the name of God. He praised God and lifted His name up always. He knew the punishment and yet continued. He did this all because of His love for us. Take on a bit more of that love and share it with people around you. Don’t hide it under the rug! We don’t know all the answers and we will not know them until they are revealed to us by God. But we can show people His love through us. We can share His love.

Points to Ponder:
Are you in love?

Do you share God’s love?


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