Daily Devotion April 23

April 23: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

KJV Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:14 14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men
This passage starts out reminding us how we do need to hold up those who work for the Lord around us and with us; they may be the ones praying always for you or teaching you or guiding you. Without them in our lives we would quite easily get lost in the woods and not live the lives we are able to. So lift them up in your own prayers and ask God to strengthen them for the work they do, help them, support them and allow them to know they are loved.

But then there are also a lot of people around us who we still need to lift up in prayers as well, but not just prayers but in help and assistance as well. For those who we know get carried away with themselves and their lives and need the help to bring order into their lives. For those who are in need of comfort be it because of physical problems or mental problems, go round and let them know they are loved. For those who dare not ask for help in case they look weak in some way, stand by them and give them courage.

We have places like care homes and hospices that care for the frail, but sometimes it is the visits from the younger generations that make the difference in their lives allowing them to know they are not forgotten. Some may already be bitter because of being treated badly in the past. Give them love and give them time. Love really does help to mend others hearts, but it has to come from outside their hearts before they see what is going wrong in their own.

When Christ gave us instruction to go out and love others, it was not to go and find yourself a new boyfriend or girlfriend but to go and do all of the above for the people around you. Far too often we ignore the small issues because they do not seem to matter much – but add up a bunch of small issues and you have a big issue! Go out today to love and serve the Lord.

Points to Ponder:
Have you had support from others this week?

Will you take God with you to support others?


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