Daily Devotion April 24

April 24: Acts 20:17-21

KJV Key Verse: Acts 20:21 21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

This record of Paul’s shows us a small part of his commitment to God, serving Him wherever he was called to go. Paul was not under any misapprehension that life was going to be cosy or easy; he had already seen life as a Christian from the opposite side of the fence as he ruined many Christians lives in his past. But still he went forward and followed Christ and everything the Holy Spirit told him to do. That part must seem a bit strange for many people until you begin to understand just how much God does talk to each one of us.

We may not hear audible voices calling us to go forward, to drop our work, to pick up disciples or things like that. We should be wary of anything we hear and test it against God’s Word. God is not going to make us go off and do things against His Word. God has already given us His Word and continues to uphold it as the truth. If we think we are being told to do something against that Word, then we should think again because God does not lie or break His promises!

Paul called the elders of the church together to give them instruction. He did not call his best friends or relatives but the people who looked after the church family. He knew what God was telling Him to do and followed as best he could. Going through the church elders showed the others he was keeping in touch with God and His ways. The church elders would not just be the people who had most sway in the community but the people who would be trying their best to follow God and who would have been doing so for some time.

It should not matter what we have to go through for Christ’s sake because it should be about the future we have with Him. This is a hard thing to accept when we are in a good position in life, business or in our communities; but following Christ and making Him first and foremost in our lives should be our aim. And if you are now thinking that following God will destroy your circle of friends or your family, then just maybe you are not hearing God correctly. I have found following Christ brings me closer to friends and family and helps me live a better life!

Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to follow Christ?

Will you make Christ first in your life?


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