Daily Devotion April 26

April 26: John 10:11-16

KJV Key Verse: John 10:12
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming , and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth : and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.

Whenever I read this passage it makes me think of a young David looking after his father’s sheep. We have accounts of some of the things he had to protect the flock from and how he was able to protect them despite being a young lad at the time. So when Jesus declares Himself as the Good Shepherd I have a picture of someone who is willing to go that extra mile to make sure His sheep are fully protected at all times.

Just knowing we have a God who is willing to protect us from all evil and all peril if we are willing to have Him as our shepherd is something very special. I know how difficult life can get and I know some of the danger we all have to face at times, and I also know that placing my life in God’s hands is right and works as well! He is listening out for us and hears us when we call. He does what is required to make sure we come out rejoicing in being able to lift His name up in glory.

When we hire in someone to do a job for us who we do not know, we always have a sense of doubt because we are never absolutely sure that they will be able to do the job properly. This is not the case with our God because we have more than enough proof He is able to do all things; but taking the step to place ourselves firmly in His faithful arms can be daunting at first. I’m not going to water this down by saying that we may not get what we ask for because we will get what we ask for when we ask properly!

Don’t go asking for something impossible from God! God is just and will uphold the law so don’t go asking Him to break His own laws! God loves each one of us so don’t go asking Him to destroy something or someone who is able to be saved. Be faithful. Be courageous. Place yourself firmly in His grip and await a positive response. He is always here…

Points to Ponder:
When do you doubt the most?

Are you trusting Christ?


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