Daily Devotion April 27

April 27: John 10:40-42

KJV Key Verse: John 10:41
41 And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.

What was it that made these people beyond the Jordan believe in Christ? They saw what John was doing, they listened to what John said and they built up their faith on a different way of being instead of on watching miracles and hearing Christ speak. John was not the Christ. He baptised by water as a sign of what people should do. People believed because they understood what he was saying and because they knew their scriptures.

Today we read our bibles and struggle to come to terms with some of the things held between the covers. We put our faith and trust in something unseen and yet we know it is true. How do we know it is true? Because it agrees with what we read and with what the Holy Spirit teaches each one of us from the inside. God does not have to perform miracle after miracle to get people to believe the truth; He opens up our minds to the truth so we can accept it and allow our lives to be built up around that truth.

I know my bible has got mistakes in it. This is because it is written down by people, translated by people, taught by people and I am a person as well. This does not make it untrue. This should allow me to accept the truth more easily as I find out my own weaknesses and find out the strengths of our God. God’s Word is the truth, but sometimes it takes more than just reading to find out that truth!

Putting your trust in something you cannot see or in something you know if flawed can be very difficult. But when you look around and see the chaos and brokenness that surrounds us we should be able to move toward the greater good. Following Christ is my goal. I get it wrong and I make mistakes, but I still press forward toward His high calling in my life because I know God! Points to

Do you struggle in your belief?

Will you trust more in Christ this year?


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