Daily Devotion April 28

April 28: Luke 15:4-7

KJV Key Verse: Luke 15:4 4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost , until he find it?

Jesus did not have a problem with coming up with things to say about God and about the ways of God, especially when in front of who did not want to believe. It was not so much that He knew everything because He was the Christ but that He depended on the Holy Spirit for His guidance in everything that allowed Him to be such a witness. God alone is the one who knows what each person needs to hear in order to get to know Him and so we need to know what God knows in order to best serve Him.

We cannot go on any quest or read all the books in the world in order to know what people think or what they need; that is the providence of God. But what we can do is to listen to Him when we are confronted by situations where we do not know what to do. That way we have a better chance at getting it right. Jesus knew this and listened to His Father at all times, giving us the guidance we need to serve Him better.

Listening to God is not the easiest thing to do when we have so much noise around us from the world. If we wait until things get too noisy and then try to listen we are going to find it impossible to hear God, but if we start when the world is quiet we will be able to pick up on His voice. Once we get used to the sound of His voice we will be able to hear it when the world is noisy! Draw closer to God when the time is right and He will stay close to you when the world is beating at your door.

So when you find time alone, don’t go out and find the world, go out and find God through His Spirit. Spend time alone with God instead of being crowded by all that is in the world. Stop trying to fill your life, your mind and your eyes and ears with the world because the only reward you will find is the world. Instead open up your life to Christ through His Word. Open up your eyes and ears to what God has given to us and fill your life with Him. Open up your heart and soul to God through His Spirit so we can know Him better.

Points to Ponder:
Are you always seeking the noise?

How often do you seek God?


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