Daily Devotion April 29

April 29: Romans 8:12-17

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:13
13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die : but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live .

When we realise Christ has saved us from our sins we are forgiven once and for all! We may find we do not do everything according to how we think a Christians should live, we may find we keep getting things wrong and mess up time and time again, but we should never forget Christ has paid for our sins totally and wholly and forever!

So does that mean that when we sin repeatedly we are not actually saved but living a lie? Far from it! It means we are human and we have fallen short of the mark once again. Our mortal bodies and our old sinful lives may well lead us into many wrong doings and influence the way we do things each and every day, but we are not under the power of sin any more. It is a choice we are actively making and one which may well be damaging our lives and our walks with Christ.

We don’t really know the power of sin until we give in to it and realise how far we have fallen. Whilst we are giving in to it we are living a lie and actively trying to persuade ourselves we are better than it or stronger than it. That is the evil ones ways and how he tries to break us from our relationship with Christ. But my scripture tells me that Christ Himself said that nothing could ever take us away from God once we have been redeemed by Him.

Turning our backs on our old lives may be difficult and may seem like an uphill battle we can see no end to, but that is just the way we see it. Christ has not destroyed our sinful bodies and He has not destroyed our mortal bodies. What He has done is to release us from the power of sin over us and give us back the choice to no longer sin. Whilst we are under the power of sin we think we are all OK and nothing can harm us… Sin will destroy our relationship with God but it will not pluck us out of His hands. Remember that!

Points to Ponder: What is so great about living a lie?

Did Christ make you to live a lie?


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