Daily Devotion April 3

April 3: Hebrews 10:11-18

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 10:17
17 And theirsins and iniquities will I remember no more.

Have you noticed how much of a creature of habit you can be at times? How you get caught up in doing the same things over and over again just because that is what is always done or because everyone else does it that way? If we are not careful then our Christianity can get like that as well, we get caught up in doing the stuff because that is what is done rather than doing it because you want to do something for God or to serve Christ. It can seem a fine line between doing church work and serving God but when you start to look at what your heart says about your work, things become clearer.

Christ came to break the mould once and for all. He did not want to see people get caught up in sacrifices, duty, habits and whatever other excuse people use to make it look like they are Christians. Christ wants us to be honest and open about our Christianity and about our relationship with Him. We may hide our relationship with others at times but our relationship with Christ needs to be out in the open for all to see – that is the way the Gospel is spread.

It cannot start from doing stuff and hoping that will show people how much we love God – that is just doing stuff! It has to start from your heart which then leads you to do things for Christ which then allows others to see your relationship with Christ. Just doing stuff shows others that you can do stuff. Well, anyone can do stuff, but not everyone is willing to show others they love Christ openly.

Christ wants us to remember His covenant, His promises, with us. He wants us to show others how much they mean to us. He wants us to trust in those promises. He has promised us to take our sin debt away from us and leave us without blame – as long as we are willing to believe in Him and trust Him to do that. He has shown us what He has already done, can we now show Him what we can do?

Points to Ponder:
Do you trust Christ?

Do you follow Him?


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