Daily Devotion April 30

April 30: Matthew 22:23-33

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 22:32
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living .

There are many occurrences in the Gospels where Jesus gives a brief explanation of something which confounds the people who should know all about the scriptures. Why did this happen in so many cases? Because the people had built up barriers within their own minds about the scriptures instead of allowing the Spirit to guide them through the truth. We have access to the Holy Spirit to enable us to have a better understanding of God’s Word – but only if we are willing to listen and learn.

The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, much like some religions nowadays do not believe in the things Christ did. They had built up these barriers in their own minds and now believed in their own words rather than what God had people write down. If we are self-conceited in our own beliefs then we too will put aside God’s Word and believe in our own words instead of Christ’s teachings. We put up barriers because we need to have our own ways…

Believing in God is all about putting aside our own wants and desires and taking on the truth God is trying to explain to us. Our faith in Christ is all about believing in some remarkable miracles and events that happened many many years ago and trusting the things Christ said will come true. We have seen many things come true after the scriptures were written many years before Christ was born as a man and so we should believe the words written through Christ’s teaching.

Don’t try to trip up God and His disciples by asking what we think are impossible questions because those questions come through us not understanding His Word in the first place. Rather try to listen to God through the Holy Spirit and through Christ’s teachings so we can better understand what He has in stall for us rather than what we think we want. Don’t give up because you don’t understand – seek His wisdom.

Points to Ponder:
Do you understand all the scriptures?

Are you open to God’s continued teaching?


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