Daily Devotion April 7

April 7: Luke 24:44-48

KJV Key Verse: Luke 24:45
45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

What a wonderful thing hindsight is! How easy it is for us to look back on the history of all the things that happened many years ago and to wonder why the disciples never knew what was happening. But when we look at our lives and we look at the times when we did not understand what was going on even when others around us saw it we can then begin to relate to how the disciples never saw it coming.

Jesus tried to explain to them what was going to happen but in such a way as to not get them so worried they would go and do something wrong. Christ wanted to make sure the disciples did exactly what was required and nothing less. If they had been left to their own imaginations then they may well have stopped Christ from going to the cross in the first place – after all it would be better to save a friend from certain death than to sit and do nothing… wouldn’t it?

After it was over, Christ had time to stop and explain what they had been through and what it was all about. Because they were probably recovering from the trauma of what had happened to Jesus, they had to have the reason why it all happened the way it did. Jesus was giving them the knowledge they needed to reach out to others and show how much He loves us all. If they had tried to explain it all in their own words we may well have nothing to listen to at this time; the history of it all may well have been lost because it would have gone over their heads.

Christ made sure the scriptures were explained properly and that all the prophecies were opened up and the actual events compared to those prophetic words. Only then would the disciples have the confidence that Jesus had gone through it all because this was and is the will of God. We now look back with hindsight and thank Jesus for all He has done!

Points to Ponder:
Do you understand the scriptures?

DO you listen to Jesus?


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