Daily Devotion April 8

April 8: Acts 3:1-10

KJV Key Verse: Acts 3:6
6 Then Peter said , Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk .

So many times we look at ourselves and think that we have nothing to give. I was getting to that stage a few days ago and began to wonder if I really did have anything to give after seeing many things around me fail – or at least they failed in my eyes. God does not look at things in the same way as we do and He certainly does not measure success by the numbers of people that come to your meetings nor by the number of people that read your blog or your devotionals. God does not measure…

That took me quite a while to get my head round that one and I think this passage just kicked my brain back into gear after a day of rest… I mean actual rest, not doing stuff, not having to think, not having to publish, write, catch up… just sit and watch a few movies and enjoy just being and not thinking everything through. When the disciples came to the gate of the temple they were confronted by the lame man who was consistently carried to the gate from where he would have to beg.

John and Peter did not have a big pay cheque they could draw on to support people, they did not have loads of supporters who would give them money to give to others, but that did not mean they had nothing to give. Peter spoke to the man and told him to get up and walk. This was a command he gave to the man, giving it just as Jesus would have told them to do so. Jesus had told them to go and heal the sick; Peter was obeying Jesus!

Jesus has given us all a commission to go out and tell others about Him. He has not asked us to go and start up clubs and see if anyone wants to come along. He has not asked us to start a church to see if there is a need. He has told us to go out and tell others about Him. We have something to give! Christ has given us knowledge about Him, given us the Holy Spirit, given us time, given us life… now it is our turn to give to others. Don’t worry that you cannot give them money, support, bibles, clothes, whatever; you have knowledge of the living water. Share it! Christ showed you love. Give it! You don’t have to get anything in return!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like giving?

Do you wait for a return before giving?


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