Daily Devotion April 9

April 9: Acts 4:8-12

KJV Key Verse: Acts 4:11
11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders , which is become the head of the corner.

When Peter and John were arrested for preaching Jesus and healing the lame man at the temple gate, Peter had no issues with telling the authorities that it was because of Jesus that the man was healed. He told them it was the same Jesus they had crucified, the same Messiah they had rejected that was responsible for the healing; and that is why they were going round telling people about Jesus. We have that same truth to tell others, to share with the people around us.

Why should we think anything less about Jesus now just because it happened hundreds of years ago? Why should we water anything down when the truth has not changed even after two thousand years? We need to remind people that Jesus has not changed and they too can have the same encouragement and love and support others have had for thousands of years.

We do have to be bold though. Peter and John, as well as the others disciples, were more than willing to put everything on the line for Jesus. They were not afraid to get arrested for telling the truth. Sometimes it takes one of us standing up and making a stand for some people to take notice of what is happening. Sometimes the only thing that will make a difference is seeing us being willing to put everything on the line for Christ. We are actually pretty safe in most places in the world today when we talk about Jesus despite governments and authorities trying to stop us from telling the truth!

Don’t allow people to water down the story about Jesus just so they can fit it in a box they like the look of. We need to tell people like it is. We need to show people that living for Christ is very different from living for the world. We need to be willing to stand up and make a difference and not to try and talk our way out of things just to live another comfortable day! Be brave, be bold, be faithful.

Points to Ponder:
Are you obeying Christ?

Are you watering down your living water?


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