Daily Devotion May 1

May 1: Matthew 22:34-40

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 22:37
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

The Sadducees may not have believed in the resurrection of Christ, but the Scribes and the Pharisees heard how Jesus silenced them they wanted to try and trip Him up into saying something wrong to prove He was not the Messiah. One of them, a lawyer, asked Jesus which was the greatest or most important law. Now whether they had put weight on the order of commandments from Exodus or whether they had made up their own minds about importance of laws is really immaterial here because Jesus turned things on them.

Jesus’ response was to say that the most important thing in God’s law was for each of us to love God with all our hearts and to love the people around us in a similar manner. I we do not start by loving God then we are not going to be likely to follow His rules anyway; but if we do love Him then we will be more willing to follow the rules laid down by Him to start with. When we love the people around us it is going to be a similar thing; they may not write down many different laws we have to follow, but when they say something we should be listening to them and acting accordingly.

In some cultures we have lost that spirit of love and it shows because people do not care about other’s feelings or about the likes and dislikes of others – many are just living according to their own wants and desires and forgetting about the needs of others. Christ always made sure He knew about the people around Him so He could try to please as many people as possible.

All the great words of prophecy rely on the fact that someone is going to follow the rules to start with. If we living a life of chaos then we may not get to see the outcome of the prophecies of many of our great prophets; they depend on righteousness and on Holiness and without that we will not see the prophecies. Christ spoke many words and they come true day after day…

Points to Ponder:
Do you understand love?

Do you know Christ’s love?


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