Even from the Cross Love Those Who Hate You

Sometimes it’s really hard
to love people, particularly
when You ask me to love
those who hate You and do
evil things. Please show me.
How can I hate evil and still
love the haters?
Isn’t that what Paul did
when he was in prison? In
the worst of circumstances,
he hated evil but continued
to love. And You did the
same, Jesus. When You were
beaten, mocked, and
You asked God to forgive
Your enemies because they
didn’t know what they were
doing. That is pure love.
Jesus, You are always in my
heart, guiding me and
leading me to be more like
You. And for that reason, I
have to pray for those who
hate You and do evil things.
I don’t love what they do,
Lord — but I want them to
know You, so I pray for
them. I love them enough to
ask that You will save them.
Please, Lord Jesus, come
into their hearts. Open their
eyes to see You. They need
You so much.
* * *
You have heard that it was
said, ‘Love your neighbor
and hate your enemy.’ But I
tell you, love your enemies
and pray for those who
persecute you. — Matthew
When Jesus was on the
cross, He prayed for His
enemies and asked God to
forgive them. Can you love
someone who hates the
Lord or who willingly inflicts
suffering? Love doesn’t
mean that you accept acts
of hatred and evil, but love
requires that you pray for
those most in need of
salvation. Remember them
when you pray.


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