Daily Devotion May 11

May 11: James 2:18-26

KJV Key Verse: James 2:24 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified , and not by faith only.

Here in the Nigeria we have just been through the general elections where the country had to step forward and vote for the people they wanted to run the government. Don’t worry I am not going into politics here but I would like to raise two observations. The first being that people had to come forward and actually vote otherwise the result would have been hollow and empty. The second being that the elected government now has a job to do – to do what they promised would be done.

I do like the way we are able to have a democratic system through which the people do have some sort of say as to how things happen in the country; there are still far too many countries in the world where the leader has ultimate power and can do whatever they want to. God has ultimate power throughout the world, but He still allows us to have freedom of choice – whether we choose to be bad or to be good is something we must think about.

The key here is that we can say and we can read whatever we like, but until we step forward and start to make a change we are about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot (yes that is very English!) We need to do what we say we are going to do and not just talk about it. We can believe everything that is righteous and fully understand what God is all about, but until we start to show others we believe, until we start to show others we care… we are nothing.

God has given us many tools and scriptures through which we can know He is God and know what we should be doing. We are the ones to step forward and do what is required. We are the fools is we believe that others will pick up the work and do it for us! If we left it to others to do our voting we would not know the outcome and we could not influence the outcome at all! So step forward and pick up the banner for Christ. Start to make a change instead of looking for the Change!

Points to Ponder:
Are you looking for a change?
Are you working with Christ to make a change?


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