Daily Devotion May 12

May 12: Ephesians 4:1-6 KJV 

Key Verse: Ephesians 4:5 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 

The apostle writes here to the church in Ephesus to get them to realise just how important their own walk with Christ is. It is not good enough to sit around and let everyone else in the church do all the work whilst you go along and say all the right stuff once a week. God wants each of us to walk with Him every day and to commune with Him every day. There are many different church buildings and many different ways in which people worship God and many will argue as much as possible as to whether they are right or others are wrong – so let us not go there! 

 The words here are those which Jesus taught the disciples. There is only one true God and He allowed His Son Jesus Christ to come to take on our sin debt. He left behind the Holy Spirit for all believers so we would not be left alone after Christ ascended back to heaven. There is only one true faith – the belief in Jesus Christ as being the Son of God. There is only one true baptism and that is under the blood shed by Christ for our sins. Any other baptism we do is a symbolic demonstration to others of our belief in Christ and what He has done for us

. Each of us is called to follow Christ and to allow our lives to be a reflection of the life of Christ. We should not boast about our own accomplishments in or out of the church but rather seek to glorify God in everything as we try to reflect Christ through our lives. The words the apostle offers here encourage us to live righteously so we can live closer with Him in our lives. Having the Holy Spirit in the centre of our lives should mean us not living for the world anymore but for Christ instead. 

 Let us lift up the name of Jesus Christ to be held above all others as we live with Him in our lives. Many may try to discredit Christ, the Holy Spirit or even God by blaming the world on God. In reality we all blame just about anything or anyone else just so we can go on living our lives the way we want to. It was Christ who paid the price for us – lift Him up in glory! 

 Points to Ponder: 
Do you think of Christ throughout the day?
 Are you bring Him glory or blame?


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