Daily Devotion May 13

May 13: Hebrews 6:9-12
KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 6:12 12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

In this letter the apostle is talking about people who don’t quite get the word, people who think that they have to renew their salvation every time they do something wrong against God. He says this is like crucifying Christ over and over again as the people bring their repentance before God. We are forgive once and for all when we ask Christ to forgive us of our sins. Yes, bringing your sins before God is good because it will persuade you not to go back there and do it over and over again… but that means bringing them to God and leaving them once and for all at His feet.

Far too often we bring our sins before God but we do not really let them go. Now we may think that it is the big sins, the things like murder, adultery and other things listed in the ‘top ten’ that are the ones we need to place firmly at the feet of Christ. In reality it is every single one of those things we have to drop. The little lies we told to get out of trouble. The delayed payments because we wanted something else for ourselves. The envious looks at those temptations. Each one is another little mouse trap which will hurt when we do not treat them properly.

God does not want us to hold on to the sins of our past but to release them fully into His charge. Christ died on the cross so we could be forgiven for everything we do; so long as we do trust Christ to forgive us and leave our sins with Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us, totally.

This is the gospel we need to take out to the people around us. This is the gospel we need to pass on to others. This is the gospel we need to build up disciples with so they too can pass the same gospel on to more people. This is our great commission and one which is
worth everything because Christ gave everything for it.

Points to Ponder:
Do you know your gospel?
Do you live the gospel?


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