Daily Devotion May 16

May 16: John 14:1-6

KJV Key Verse: John 14:3
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also.

What is the difference between churches? What is the difference between denominations? Emotive questions and not ones I have asked to start an argument but rather to try and lay things to bed. Each of us are very difference because God has created us different and unique – each of us scientifically have different DNA, different finger prints and very different minds. The people that I love and care for do not necessarily love and care for me. Get over it and deal with it!

We are placed here to live the lives God has given us and not to try and be the best duplicate of someone else. If we want to be like anyone then we should aim to be more like Christ than any human being. He went out of His way to show He was different and yet cared for so many people who did not yet know Him. Christ’s plan was to share the gospel with many people so they may have a chance at getting to be with Him in Heaven.

Christ has gone to prepare us a place in Heaven and He will return to come and get us. Whether we die first or get taken up is not something we need to be that concerned with; what we need to be sure of is our belief in Christ. He is the way and the truth and the life and He is the only way we will get to Heaven. There is no piece of modern technology which will get us there, no other person or god who can lift us up. God alone, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will show us the way to Heaven; where He is waiting patiently for us.

In a devotional like this I want to be able to write volumes about how awesome God is and how much He loves us but what good would that be if you did not get to know Him first? He loves us so much He is opening the door for us to come in. He wants us to be with Him and a part of Him. He wants us to be His offspring, His children, His dependants. He wants us so much He gave His life for us! Thank about it…

Points to Ponder:
How much do you love others?

Do you give them your everything?


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