Daily Devotion May 17

May 17: John 14:15-18 KJV Key Verse: John 14:16 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Devotion: Is there anyone in your life you wish you could spend every moment with just to make sure they are OK all the time? Is there someone you want to be able to look after because you know they are struggling or lonely? Is there someone you know who could do with a bit of company just to get them through today? No matter how small or short a calling, I am sure we could all think of someone who could do with a bit of love today – even if that someone is you. The problem is we cannot be with them all of the time no matter how hard we try. We can go round as often as possible, we can love them fully, we can share what we have with them and we can do all manner of physical things… sometimes it is just the love we give them that will count most of all. God saw this in the beginning with mankind. Jesus saw this when He walked with us; this is why He promised to never leave us alone any more. If we are willing to trust and obey God we will be able to see just how much He is with us and how much He cares for us. If we run off in our own direction we lose sight of the work God does in our lives because we are too focused on getting the best we can out of the trouble we have. But when we rest in His arms we begin to see how much He loves us. Now we could tell someone we love them as much as we liked, but until we show them the love is real, what do they have to go on? Christ told us how much He loves us and He showed us how much He loves us by giving His life for us. Let us not get upset because we cannot see Him. Let us not be afraid because we cannot feel His hand holding ours. Let us fully trust in our unseen God who has promised us to never leave us alone when we first come to Him. That is just so awesome! Points to Ponder: Do you like hugs? Have you had your hug from Jesus today?


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