Daily Devotion May 18

May 18: Psalm 1:1-6

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 1:3
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither ; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper .

Trying to live a life for God can be difficult, but it can be very rewarding too. When we try to do what is right in God’s eyes much of the world around us will seem to be against us and we may even feel persecuted beyond what we can bear, but God will be the one supporting us as we move forward with Him. That support may not seem much when we think the whole world is against us, but it is more sure than anything this world has to offer!

The ungodly people who may be against us have not got this sure footing we have in Christ. Whatever they do will not last but will be taken away by whatever there is around us. The heartache we bear because of those brief excursions from love and charity will seem like nothing when they have gone, but we may well remember them for the pain we suffered at the time. Don’t let these things bring you down because, as the psalmist says, they are like chaff in the wind. They may be filling our lives at the moment, but when that wind comes along they will slowly be sifted out of our lives.

Walking with God can be difficult when our world is filled with chaff. We may think it is like wading through mud or trying to pull ourselves out of the water just by using the water itself; seemingly impossible until someone stretches out a hand to you. Always look for God’s hand as He stretches forward to bring us stability, even in the wildest storms in our lives.

We need to spend time with God and in His word so we can recognise when He does offer the help we need. If all we see around us is the chaff we may not recognise the wind when it comes. If we don’t keep our hearts and minds open to God’s teaching then we may not hear Him when He calls out our names. Even being a tree means being open to the nutrients that come from the ground. Be open and ready.

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel trapped?

Have you closed your doors?


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