Daily Devotion May 2

May 2: Romans 13:8-10

KJV Key Verse: Romans 13:10
10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

The more we dig into history and archaeology the more we find out about the past lives of so many people and the more we begin to understand mankind. If we live in the now only we see the world for what it is with all the corruption and chaos which goes with it. There is no denying we live in a very corrupt world but we also live in a world where many people are pushing us down a road of self-sufficiency or independence.

As far as I can see this is not what God is showing us. Yes He wants us to be able to cope with life and hence we need to be able to do things by ourselves and be able to handle what comes our way, so to some extent we do have to be self-sufficient. But not to the extent where we close off the people around us!

Opening up your life to the truth around you can hurt and can make you feel like you are going mad. By opening up your life you become vulnerable to the world and the people. God does not tell us love is going to be easy. Love is wonderful but it can also cause us a lot of heart-ache and a lot of sorrow; but then how are we ever going to experience that true love without gaining a few scars along the way? There are many people I love in this world but to each one I try to give my love and not expect anything back; as soon as we expect a return we are ‘buying’ something and not giving something.

So when we read passages like this telling us we need to love others we must not try and buy love back but simply give our love to others. Christ came to this world to pay for our debt and not to buy our love. He did not come to make a transaction but to lay down His life to cover our sins. We must not look at this as if it were a money transaction because we always relate money to buying something. If we took all of our money and gave it to others we would then be getting closer; but love is so much more than money, gifts, transactions and all the worldly ways. Love should never stop!

Points to Ponder:
Do you show others in the world your love?

Will you show someone God’s love today?


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