Daily Devotion May 20

May 20: Acts 4:32-37

KJV Key Verse: Acts 4:32
32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither * said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

I think one of the most amazing things I have found about the love Christ has allowed me to share with others is that I want to share everything with them and not just Christ’s love. When God implants that love of His in my heart for others I do tend to share whatever I have with them and to do it without thinking about what I can get out of it afterward. The word sharing does imply that it is a two way exchange, but I know that God is directing us to be open with our gifts to others.

When Barnabas sold his land he came and laid the money at the feet of the apostles for them to do with it what they could. He did not make a contract with the apostles nor say he wanted interest or to be supported by them; he simply came and laid what was gained in front of the apostles. It does not say this made him feel really good, nor does it say he had to do this because he was a Levite. Think about it.

We tend to take a look at other people and try to size them up before we are willing to give to them. On the other side of the spectrum we have people begging because they want enough to give to others or to support others. Doesn’t this seem a bit messed up compared to this passage from the book of the Acts of the Apostles? Doesn’t this seem like the world has lost the plot somewhere along the line? It is not the world that has lost its way but each one of us who have made an active choice to do otherwise.

I’m not saying we should all sell everything we have and go and share all we have with everyone – who would buy what we have to sell? I’m not saying we should give everything up and live in one big commune. We still live in this world and most of us will still have to work to make a living; but when we do earn money we can share it with others if we make that choice. When we see our fellow Christians in a spot of trouble or having difficulties in their lives we should be more than willing to stand up and say “here I am, let me help.”

Points to Ponder:
How much do you love God’s children?

Will you do what God asks of you?


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