Daily Devotion May 22

May 22: Isaiah 41:8-10

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 41:10
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed ; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Isaiah’s word came from God to all of the servants of Christ – which is all of us! Isaiah did not say this was only Jacob or Abraham or whomever else, but included all those who are descendants from the people called out by God to be servants. Servants are those who are given a task to do and should keep to that task or lifestyle because that is how they were first called. We were born to worship God and to lead others to Him through His word; that is actually our remit!

We have been chosen as these servants from all over the land and not just from one corner of the world. God has said we are His servants because He has chosen us to be so; He has not cast us aside and forgotten us but has remembered us all the time making sure we have the right support in place at the right time to be effective servants who can lead others to God.

We are certainly not alone when we are called. Christ has given us His word saying “I am with you always” and upholds that word wherever we are. God is everywhere but remembering He is actually with us is not always on our mind. It should be! He is God and we are here because of and for Him!

If we are willing to rely on Him for our guidance we will find out just how much He does do for us; not how much He can do, how much He does do! We can look back on the life of Jesus and see how much was accomplished because God was always with Him and He listened to God every step of the way. We can look at the lives of the apostles and find out how much their lives were changed because they relied on Christ and did not go anywhere without Him. Let us never set foot out of our houses without knowing Christ is right there by our sides!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get worried about working for God?

Do you expect Christ by your side?


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