Daily Devotion May 24

May 24: Psalm 27:1-5

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 27:1
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear ? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid ?

I read a lovely tweet yesterday which said the more you rely on God the more you will want to rely on Him! There is so much truth in that statement even though it is just that and not actually from our bibles. So today we get reminded of just how marvellous God’s love and protection over us are. We remember just how powerful God is and begin to see nothing in this world is able to take us away from God. Yes there are plenty of temptations which will get us confused and we will walk away from God, but nothing can snatch us away from God!

When we do call out to Him, He listens and answers. Israel continued to see how much God protected them, how many battles were won by God and how much they could rely on God for everything… and yet they still chose to walk away from God because they stopped thinking about all God was doing and started thinking about all they could desire.

David continued to see so many cases where God protected him and hid him from his enemies; sometimes that was not immediately apparent to David, but upon reflection David could see it. Too often we get caught up in the excitement of everything around us and we lose sight of all God is doing in our lives. We lose sight of the protection, the encouragement, the blessings and even the guidance. All of which are constantly available to us when we seek God in our lives.

As long as we continue to focus on the fact that we have a place in Heaven with Christ because He paid for it and He is there making sure it is ready for us. Knowing this is true should give us the incentive we need to keep going and to always seek God and His protection. And when the going does get tough, God will be merciful to hide us from anything we cannot handle so we can always depend on Him.

Points to Ponder:
What things worry you in life?

Do you allow God control of these things?


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