Daily Devotion May 27

May 27: Matthew 13:31-32

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 13:32
32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown , it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

Do you like to do puzzles or competitions or play games? In each case you are either pitting yourself against another person by competing against them, or you are pitting yourself against the person who wrote the puzzle for you to do. This is the basis by which we get to learn and expand our knowledge and wisdom beyond what we are born with. The more we are able to interact in new ways the more we learn and the more we can pass on to other people.

We do not have to be the greatest of scholars or theologians in order to be able to pass on the Gospel to others. If you are able to remember just one verse in your bible, you can use that verse to go out and teach others. You do not even have to be able to read – you may be listening to this devotional through the Android app and getting it to talk to you while you drive or stroll down the road… the important fact is that you are hearing just a little bit more about God through His Word.

I really do love to be able to read my bible in various translations, read up what theologians have said about the verses, and then sit and think about what they all say and what they mean. God is good and He does explain many things to me, but if I am over tired or distracted then I do find it hard to understand what is being said. Don’t worry, this appears to be quite normal because I know I am not the only one!

But it does take that first tiny little seed to be planted out so it can grow. A seed by itself is of no use, but it does have great potential. When that seed is used and planted, the potential then starts to become of use. The more that seed grows the more potential it has to be used by others. The more that potential gains, the more likely it will be used by others. So you see, that tiniest of seeds in the beginning may seem to be totally useless by itself, but once used it becomes great!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel of little use?

Are you willing to read a little more?


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