Daily Devotion May 28

May 28: Romans 15:7-13

KJV Key Verse: Romans 15:9
9 And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written , For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name.

The Gospel is meant for everyone. How often have you been caught up in the trap of thinking that the words you are hearing in church are just meant for you or just meant for those people who were bold enough to come out to church that day? Have you ever got a message ready to tell people and focused it on the people you thought were going to be in church? Have you ever written something down knowing full well that people who love God will ‘get it’?

I think I have failed on many occasions to include everyone in my talks, devotions and other musings; but God is the one who has called me out to reach out to many more people than are in our local churches. Just as He called out each of the disciples to teach the Gospel to all people, so He has given us the same commission – to go out into all the world with the Gospel.

I like the way the apostle picks out a selection of verses from various prophets and leaders of the people of Israel to show this is what God intended all along. The religious Jews of the time may well have got it into their heads that this was all meant for them alone, but God said otherwise. Christ came to give this message to many people and certainly did not limit His talking to the core church at the time; He came to give the message to all of us, both Jew and Gentile.

But the key here is not to make religious people out of the non-religious people but for us all to come together and glorify God. This all points to the fact we are God’s children and need to point everything we do to the glory of God. Christ gave us everything on the cross so we can bring that glory to God in the full knowledge that what we are doing is correct and righteous. The Holy spirit came for us all as well so we can all have a wonderful life with Him, glorifying God above all else.

Points to Ponder:
Do you focus your ‘preaching’?

Is God asking you to reach out more?


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