Daily Devotion May 30

May 30: Ephesians 2:19-22

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 2:20 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

Don’t get trapped into thinking you have been left behind as others run off ahead and do so many things for Christ. Don’t think that just because you are not the ultimate youth worker or qualified priest that you cannot work effectively for God. All of us are different and we live our lives in very different ways. Sometimes it takes a long time for us to realise what sort of person we actually are or what gifts God has given us to work with. I can remember trying to figure out what I was going to do after university knowing that the aircraft industry was in decline at the time I was to qualify

. We may not find out what God has in store for us until we are actually needed on the front line; when we get to that stage we will be looking at why we did not listen properly to God who was trying to teach us and make us ready for this moment! None of this is possible without a foundation. I knew I would have to go to a different country to try and find work after qualifying because the foundation of the industry was not strong enough to support growth… God had other plans for me later in life!

If you are of an engineering background you will relate to the description of our being a required cog in the machine that bring glory to Christ. If you are a linguist then you will relate to being the required adverb which makes the sentence make sense. Whichever way you look at it, we are all working for Christ together and we need to work together in order to work. If we try to do our own thing we may well be working against the rest of the people and that is when things break down!

We have been made to be a part of this life with Christ, working as one to glorify God. That means we are essential parts. The best design is when all the parts do the task they are assigned. If we have to pick up what others should be doing, we will not be as effective as if we all work properly. Doing our part for Christ is just a little thing but can mean everything working as it should!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel important?
Read about how important you are to God!


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