Daily Devotion May 31

May 31: Ezra 4:1-6 KJV

Key Verse: Ezra 4:4 4 Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building ,

Have you ever noticed that when you come up with a good idea there is always going to be someone who does not like it – probably because they did not come up with the idea first. Or when you start a project others object because they are not involved with it. The same was happening when the temple was to be re-established in Jerusalem; and the same will happen again when the time comes round once again.

The rest of the people in Israel did not like the fact Judah and Benjamin were going to rebuild the temple. They wanted to be a part of it because they were sacrificing stuff as well. So why were they not allowed to join in? Was it just because the king Cyrus had deemed it so?

God wanted His people to rebuild the temple and that meant other people and those who sacrificed to other gods as well should be excluded from building the temple. Judah and Benjamin were the heart of the people of Israel and were the remnant who remained faithful to God. They were the ones who kept God’s ways alive and remained faithful. Just because the others sacrificed to God did not mean they followed Him with their hearts – and that is what God was looking for; good and faithful believers.

God continues to seek good and faithful followers even though we no longer are required to sacrifice. We may not have to do all they did back then, but our belief has to be strong and single-minded. Our belief must to in one God and in Him alone. When we waver and follow others paths as well as Gods we are lifting up other idols to His level or trying to bring Him down to the level of the other idols. Remember the first two commandments and remain good and faithful followers of God alone!

Points to Ponder:
Do you allow others gods into your life?
Are you really being faithful to God?


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