Daily Devotion May 4

May 4: 1 Corinthians 13:4-13

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:8
8 Charity never faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail ;whether there be tongues, they shall cease ; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away .

What does love look like? Well it is probably easier to list all the things it is not rather than trying to describe it… Love is not that special feeling you get in a new relationship. Love is not the impulse to buy a bunch of flowers or a necklace. Love is not gift wrapped for you on Valentine’s Day. Love is not the result of a long friendship. Love is not something we do…

Love is not going to be broadcast on a big screen just so everyone can see. Love is not something we have to make sure we have for each other. Love does not think about all the bad parts and try to justify what went wrong. Love does not blame others when things go wrong. Love does not reject responsibility. Love does not grow cold or old. Love does not end when mortal life ends.

That does not seem to leave a lot left now does it? But when we dig a bit deeper we find a love that never fails; one that started in the beginning and continues to exist and grow. A love that is so deep we cannot understand how it can continue to cover all the faults we have. A love that grows every day instead of shrinking when the lights go out. This love is the love we find that Christ has for us, a love that comes from God and will never end.

Be encouraged that Christ came to show us this love in a very special way by laying down His life for us without reserve. He did not do just enough but went the whole way. He did not make the biggest spectacle He could to make everyone see it all – God darkened the skies so it could be private. Christ did not complain in front of everyone to make sure we all knew it was hard, He just did it. This is the love He wants us to share with others, a love that I am growing used to but still want more of!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know love?

Do you know Christ’s love?


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