Daily Devotion May 7

May 7: Isaiah 44:6-8

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 44:8
8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid : have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

What does it take for you to stop and remember just how awesome God is? What does it take for you to stop and realise there is no other God? What will God have to do in order for you to fully trust in Him and in everything He can do for you? Sometimes it will take a life-changing event which will rock the very foundation of your earthly life before you will see how great God actually is; but hopefully it will not have to be so for you!

God tries knocking on your door and waits patiently for you to open the door, just like a friend who will come round and gently knock on your door just in case you are asleep so as not to disturb you. You have the choice as to whether you are going to answer the door and you have the choice what happen after that as well. We could answer the door and make up an excuse about being too tired or washing your hair or some other thing that comes to mind, or you could answer the door and make a difference.

God is not going to force His way into your life but He may well make it very uncomfortable for you to ignore Him if He knows you need Him. If a friend spots a fire burning in your back room they are not going to knock gently to make sure they don’t wake you up, they are going to bash hard enough to wake you from your deepest sleep because they want to save your life! Are you going to wait for God to have to knock that loudly?

God alone knows there is no other gods; we just trust Him and our friends to believe there are no other gods. Some will tell you about all the other gods they follow and others will tell you about all the other things in their lives they follow whilst ignoring God. Those other things are their gods because they are making them more important in their lives than God. There is only one Rock upon which we can build our lives and that Rock is Jesus Christ!

Points to Ponder:
What do you trust in your life?

How much do you trust Christ?


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