Daily Devotion May 8

May 8: Ephesians 5:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 5:5
5 For this ye know * , that no * whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Each of us has been made in God’s image, not that we are all gods but that we have been created with body soul and spirit and we have a place with God in heaven. Whether we get to go there is our choice – God has already reserved a place but unless we take Him up on that place we will never get to see it or to experience it!

Just as He wants us to set aside the worldly ways and follow His ways, we too must set aside our own wants and lusts in favour of what He is supplying for our needs. God loves us much more than we can do wrong against Him, but unless we are willing to make that turn-around and admit we do sin against Him, we are not going to enjoy a life with Him. We can rest on His love as much as we like and tell everyone of this amazing love, but unless we repent, we get nowhere.

The act of repentance is not just saying sorry like a naughty child but meaning it and trying to turn away from the things we do wrong. We may not have the strength to turn away from our sin, but if we are bold enough to admit the sin and try to make a difference, God will help us to achieve that goal! It is the fool who will talk about the sin and say how bad it is, but continues to practise it! It is a fool who will go back for more knowing it is all wrong. And some of us are real fools because we have gone back for more time and time again!

God wants us to break the cycle of repetitive sin by not being the serial re-offenders we seem to be. God wants us to see what is wrong and turn away from it; He will supply what we need to overcome the sin if we are willing to trust Him and ask for that help. Don’t be put off thinking that the sin is greater than God’s grace or His love because it simply is not. God has already paid the ultimate price and no further price has to be paid – but we still need to join the train before we can get to Heaven with Him.

Points to Ponder:
Are you on the wrong train?

Will you ask Him direction?


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