Daily Devotion May 25

May 25: Psalm 78:1-8 KJV Key Verse: Psalm 78:2 2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Devotion: God has been trying to tell us the same thing throughout time; trying to get us to see there is one God and one church which He through Jesus established. Here, through a psalm written such a long time ago, we see God speaking through a faithful few trying to reach out to the many so they can understand just how He feels about us and the way we act toward Him. Despite all the open, honest and loving advice He has given us over time we still continue to break His heart. What would you think about a person you really liked who did nothing but ignore you? Would you go out of your way to try and get their attention so they would listen to what you had to say? What would you do if they said they would date you and then ran away before anything happened? What would you do if they got married to you and then cheated on you? Would you walk away after they broke your heart the second or third time? I know these seem unfair questions because we don’t like to think of the bad side of any relationship, but what is your relationship like with Christ? Time and time again God tried to get the attention of generation after generation of people who simply ignored Him or turned away from Him. Generation after generation have been given the scriptures, shown His love, experienced His love, and many still choose to turn away and go after excitement or other distractions. Any relationship needs both parties to continue working toward keeping it together and strengthening it through mutual love and support. The more love and support that is put into the relationship, the stronger and longer lasting it will be. What God puts into the relationship is absolutely everything! What we need to do is to tell others about this wonderful God who loves us beyond anything we deserve or expect. Only then can others get to know this God for themselves… Points to Ponder: Do you love God? Do you share that love?


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