Daily Devotion May 26

May 26: Matthew 13:10-16 KJV Key Verse: Matthew 13:16 16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see : and your ears, for they hear . Devotion: If you could point to a single point in time when you began to understand the bible or really got to grips with what the bible contains, when would that be? I don’t think I could point to that single time because it was quite a while ago, but each time I do study God’s Word I get to understand a bit more which draws me closer to God! I think if I were Jesus I may well have got very disgruntled with the way people were ignoring and rejecting Him; thank goodness I am not because we would all be in a terrible state! Instead Jesus continued to show us His awesome love by showing grace and mercy when we certainly did not deserve it. That same grace and mercy continues to be extended toward us and over us. Getting to grips with your bible is not going to be like flipping a coin or switching on a light switch. I read and heard quite a bit before I began to realise these words were written for my understanding as well as all the people around me in and out of church! I do like to go through the verses now and see how they link up between the Old and New Testaments. This is just one case where scripture is being quoted from the Old Testament by Jesus. In this case Jesus is quoting a couple of verses from Isaiah 6, but not to show the people they are being rejected because of their ways, but to point to a way where they can be healed from their transgressions! We are lucky enough to have so many people that have been able to study the scriptures and open them up in a wonderful way for us. It was not that many years ago when the church refused to allow the common folk to have direct access to the bible. Because I have grown up in a society where access to the bible was encouraged, I find that very strange. But I see around me many people discouraging us from reading the bible and these people are in influential positions in our communities. Jesus wants the doors to be opened so people can come in to learn the truth; but unless we choose to open the doors, we stay locked out by ourselves… Points to Ponder: Do you read your bible? Are you sharing your bible?


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