Daily Devotion May 5

May 5: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

KJV Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:13
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

I wonder if you have said to anyone “If you loved me you would…” Unfortunately it is a very human thing to do, to demand that others do things the way we want just because they love us or because they say they love us. If we truly loved them as well we would not be demanding anything of them. I know I am a person who does try not to demand outwardly, but I still think along those lines in my head. I know I am a trying person in that I do not always do what is right as well, but I think along those lines in my head.

God does not demand we do anything. He gives us the rules and He says what he would like us to do and how He would like us to act, but He does not demand it of us. Does God get upset when we do not do the right thing or go against His will? I am sure He does get upset! And that is why we have words written down like this by the ‘Teacher’ telling us we need to fear God, to hold Him up in a position of uttermost respect, not because He is dangerous but because of His amazing love for us.

When you do love someone you find you want to be able to do things for them and you may even get upset when you cannot do things for them. I love to be able to take care of people and to help them out in as many ways as I can; not just because it makes me feel good, but because I love them and because I love God. Loving God allows you to see how much more we can do for others by giving them full Christian love and by opening up your life toward them, not just saying things.

When people do things for us and show us how much they appreciate us, we enjoy it, we love it. When God does things for us, we get to see just how much He does care for us. God is watching us all the time and He knows when we do things for Him and for others. But it’s not just the fact that he sees what we do; He sees the intent in our hearts for everything we do and that is what counts – what is in our hearts as we do things. Love goes so much further than just a simple relationship with another person!

Points to Ponder:
Do you expect your partner to do things your way?

Are you expecting God to do things your way?


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