Draw Near to God in Suffering

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty
things which you do not know. — Jeremiah 33:3

At some point, we all wrestle with why God allows us to suffer
and we wonder if it’s because He no longer loves us. But the
truth is, some of the greatest lessons we ever learn come as the
result of hardship. During those painful times, if we’ll cling to
the Father, we’ll gain tremendous insight into His heart and
Friend, when you experience trials, realize that God doesn’t want
to hurt you (Lamentations 3:32-33). Rather, He has great things
He wants to teach you — lessons that, unfortunately, can only be
learned through sorrow (Hebrews 5:8). So when trouble strikes,
be still and ask the Lord to show you what you can learn
through the situation.
Your Savior is here — right now, right beside you.
Your loving heavenly Father is beckoning to you, asking you to
draw near and learn His ways. So call on Him. He will answer
you. And He will teach you great and mighty things that you
need to know.
Father, what would You have me learn through my heartache?
Teach me, my Lord — I am listening. Amen.
In His presence… call to Him and expect Him to answer.
Excerpted with permission from the Every Day in His
Your Turn
Many of us know people who’ve gone through a terrible trauma
like the death of a child or loved one and then walked away from
God because of disillusionment or anger at Him for allowing
suffering. And yet we also have known people who’ve also
endured horrific loss or tragedy and responded by clinging to
God, trusting Him deeper, and surrendering in faith to His
omniscience and goodness. What about you? Are you in a trial?
Do you feel confused by why God is allowing it? Are you
listening to learn what He will teach you?


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