The Battle with Flesh

“For the flesh lusteth against
the Spirit, and the Spirit
against the flesh.” Galatians
In every believer’s heart
there is a constant struggle
between the old nature and
the new. The old nature is
very active, and loses no
opportunity of plying all the
weapons of its deadly
armoury against newborn
grace; while on the other
hand, the new nature is ever
on the watch to resist and
destroy its enemy. Grace
within us will employ prayer,
and faith, and hope, and love,
to cast out the evil; it takes
unto it the “whole armour of
God,” and wrestles earnestly.
These two opposing natures
will never cease to struggle
so long as we are in this
world. The battle of
“Christian” with “Apollyon”
lasted three hours, but the
battle of Christian with
himself lasted all the way
from the Wicket Gate to the
river Jordan. The enemy is so
securely entrenched within
us that he can never be
driven out while we are in
this body: but although we
are closely beset, and often
in sore conflict, we have an
Almighty helper, even Jesus,
the Captain of our salvation,
who is ever with us, and who
assures us that we shall
eventually come off more
than conquerors through
Him. With such assistance
the new-born nature is more
than a match for its foes. Are
you fighting with the
adversary today? Are Satan,
the world, and the flesh, all
against you? Be not
discouraged nor dismayed.
Fight on! For God Himself is
with you; Jehovah Nissi is
your banner, and Jehovah
Rophi is the healer of your
wounds. Fear not, you shall
overcome, for who can
defeat Omnipotence? Fight
on, “looking unto Jesus;” and
though long and stern be the
conflict, sweet will be the
victory, and glorious the
promised reward. “From
strength to strength go on;
Wrestle, and fight, and pray,
Tread all the powers of
darkness down, And win the
well-fought day.” —


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