Daily Devotion June 10

June 10: Psalm 27:7-10

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 27:8
8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek .

What would your heart say if God asked you to seek His face? Would you do what Adam and Eve did and hide because you know you have done wrong or would you seek Him? It is an easy question to answer before you think about it, but one which may trouble you when you get to think about all you have done wrong before God!

This Psalm is all about the author declaring their faith toward God, not because he thinks it is the right thing to do but because he knows what God has done for him. With the New Testament to now add on to these writings from the Old Testament we should have even more joy and reason to have faith in Christ. Not only has God shown us how faithful He is in the times of trouble for so many people throughout history, but He shows us His faithfulness by fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament for us.

So when we call out to God we can be sure He will continue to answer us just as He has answered so many people in the past – not because they were so much better than us, nor because they sacrificed things, but because His love for us has never ended. Yes we do things wrong and we get mixed up in our lives and we have every reason to believe God would be angry with us; but God promises us He is faithful to forgive us each and every time!

Even when our own families reject us because of what we do wrong, God is going to be there to make sure we are not rejected completely. If we feel rejected then maybe we are the ones turning our backs on God. If we feel left out, then maybe we are the ones who have walked out. I feel bad for saying things like this toward other people, but I know God does forgive because He was willing to forgive me; so I must tell the truth and say that He will be merciful to forgive every one of us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you hide your sins?

Will you bring them to God?


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