Daily Devotion June 12

June 12: Matthew 6:16-18

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:17
17 But thou, when thou fastest , anoint thine head, and wash thy face;

Jesus continued to try and get the disciples to understand they had a choice as to how they lived their lives. It’s one thing to make a choice to do right or wrong things, but the choices we have to make go much deeper than that. The choices we make are going to be seen by others, but making those choices just so others can see what we do is not right. Our choices should not be made to bring glory to us but rather that we can give that glory to God our Father in Heaven.

I have come across people who go out of their way to help others and to do things for the church but they do those things because their either say it is the way it should be done or they say they have to. I have met people who give up their lives to help others out of love for them. I have known people who serve other people and care for them in homes and hospitals. But what use is any of this if all we seek is praise from others?

Our ultimate aim in our lives is what Jesus was trying to get us to see and admit to. If we seek things from earth, be it praise or riches, then all we can hope to achieve is those rewards on earth. Now some people will say those rewards are what count and it should be our goal to achieve the best rewards we can on earth to show we have lived life to the maximum; but what gain to we get if we know we cannot take those rewards with us when we die?

God would like us to have an honest and open relationship with Him. I know I have said that before, but as Christians we need to make sure other people get to know we are doing this for Christ and not for ourselves. If we hope to gain rewards in Heaven we should be aiming to please the one who can give us those rewards in Heaven and not aim to please earthly people. God will not be shy to give us our rewards when we serve Him with honesty and integrity.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do for Christ?

Are you living to glorify God or yourself?


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