Daily Devotion June 14

June 14: Proverbs 4:20-27

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 4:21
21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

If you wanted to keep something valuable safe, where would you keep it? Would you trust it into somebody else’s care or would you try to keep a close eye on it for yourself? Would you keep it out in the open or surround it with something strong to protect it as best as possible? Each of us will have our own ways of answering these questions because we probably come up with our own ways of protecting the things we love; the author chooses to keep God’s wisdom deep inside his own heart.

I’m not one to go and buy something unique or rare and then keep it as a museum piece that cannot be used in the way it was designed to be used. I would rather see something used as it was designed. God did not create us to be kept on a shelf or tucked away from all the danger and trouble in the world. He created us to live in this world and to be able to make our ways through it to Him. Our instruction manual is the bible, God’s word.

Instruction manuals are designed to be read and to be followed. That may mean changing the way we think we should work to fit in with the instructions held in it. If we learn the instruction manual we can then apply it more easily and also be able to face things we have not faced before with more confidence knowing we will have an idea what we should be doing.

Keeping to those instructions can be difficult especially when we want to run off and do our own thing, but because we know them as the instructions for life, we should follow them as best we can. Turning away from the ways of the world and turning toward God’s ways will not just encourage us but also bring glory to God as others see us working in His ways instead of our own. Sticking with what God gives you and keeping to the path He shows us will always be what is best for us.

Points to Ponder:
What is the safest place you know?

Will you keep God’s word safer?


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