Daily Devotion June 15

June 15: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 3:12
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution .

One of the things Paul was trying to teach Timothy whilst he was learning to teach others about Jesus being the Son of God was the hardships he would have to face. But no matter what hardships we should have to face in the name of Jesus, none of it should turn us away from believing the bible. Yes some of it is hard to understand whilst we are still young and green in the gospel, but the more we are able to learn about Jesus, the closer we get to be with Him and the stronger we become in the wisdom Christ wants us to have.

Whilst there may be arguments about what should be in the bible and what should be left out of it, the fact remains we need to know as much of the truth as we can learn so we can get to know all we need to know to make us useful for Christ. If we try to teach ourselves we will never be able to lift ourselves higher than our own understanding, but when we trust in God we can learn more and get to know Him better each day.

Many people spend their lives in church because they grow up with parents who always take them to church; but until each one of us makes the choice to believe the scriptures, we are nothing more than a bunch of words living in a world of corruption. But when we get to know Christ we get to learn a whole set of truths God has ordained us to hear.

Whilst we get to know more we will also get to know a lot more people who just turn their backs against Christ all the time. Those people are the ones who will gently lead us away from Christ and allow him to throw seeds into our lives which will slowly eat away at our souls. Christ alone is the goal we need to aim for and the truth we accept should only come from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. God made sure we had the right people in the right places to get the words written down for us to learn. I thank God daily we have His words written down!

Points to Ponder:
What do you struggle with most as a Christian?

Are you looking for advice through God’s Word?


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